The Coleman Theatre

The Coleman Theatre, built by Mr. Coleman in 1929, was design as a vaudeville theatre.  It was a the place to be for all the socialites of the time. However after years of entertaining the masses, its up keep began to slip. The carpet and the chairs began to rip. The chandelier began to rust and the curtains began to brown.  However in 1990 there was a movement, lead by my grandparents, to restore this historic theatre. My grandparents helped start a group called the Friends of the Coleman to help begin the restoration. As a kid they would take me to the Coleman to explore the basements or see a show. I can still remember the day the Coleman got new chairs. Going to the Coleman was a staple in my childhood. Now the Coleman’s Theatre restoration is near complete. The chandelier shiny and the carpet new , and people are coming back to the theatre.

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The Coleman stands as a symbol of pride for the Miami community. It gives the whole community something to point at and say we are proud of that. For me it’s a place of pride specifically for my family. It will always be a place I show my friends when they come to town. I love the old Victorian décor and the stucco exterior. They remind me of a simple time when I was young. It also reminds me of where I come from as well as a direction I want to go. It will forever be my favorite building.


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