Metro Christian Academy

I attended Metro Christian Academy from kindergarten through sixth grade. That time span is a huge developmental period and because of that I remember a ton from my time there. It was in this time that I realized how much I love to read, learned to play football, became aware of how much I hated basketball, and made my best friend who is still my best friend to this day. I was in the building when 9/11 occurred and I still remember the exact moment when I found out. It was at MCA that I matured so much and began to get an idea of the people I did and did not want to spend time around. It was where I earned my first school suspension and for the first time in my life decided that moving locations was the best decision for me.

The building is simply tan brick with blue accents. The most notable part of the place is that it has a circle shape, which is unusual. From the outside you wouldn’t be able to tell that it houses students ranging from kindergarten to high school. The age groups are mostly separated by floor or hallway.

Metro Christian

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