St. Therese Church- Parkville, MO

Growing up I spent many Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings at church. I used to dread going to mass because I thought it was so boring, but once I started religious education class, this place meant so much more to me.  Skipping church was never an option for me. Both my parents were raised Catholic, so it was an expectation for them to raise my brother and I as strong Catholics.  My family has always attended St. Therese.  I got to see the parish and school grow along side my faith.  It started out as a relatively small parish, but grew into something huge.  There were so many renovations throughout my childhood. It was almost like the church grew up at the same time I did.  St. Therese used to bring such boring thoughts to mind until I took the time to invest in religious ed classes.  One of my best memories of this building is my First Communion. I remember the giddy feeling about getting to accept communion for the first time and getting to sit in the pew with all my friends in our super nice white dresses.  My First Communion isn’t the only memory from the church.  I have witnessed so many baptisms and weddings of loved ones there. St. Therese will always hold a special place in my heart. st therese

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