Bizzell Memorial Library

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The Bizzell Library is a three story plus a basement brick building located at the heart of the Oklahoma campus.  It is extremely easy to find because it is what separates North and South Oval.  If you can’t seem to wonder your way to the great scenery of North and South Oval just look for the Bizzell’s Cherokee Gothic Architecture style.  It was designed in 1928 under President William Bizzell’s regime.  The construction cost $75,000, but when they made it they left room for expansions.  When George Lynn Cross was President of OU in 1958 he ordered an addition that tripled the size of the library.

The ‘Biz’ is the second largest library in the Big 12 followed by that school down in Austin, but I have never failed to find a nice place to do my homework there.  In fact, I am typing this blog in the Bizzell right now.  When finals week comes around and we are all stressing I suggest you make the trip here.  Libraries promote hard work, and the Biz serves its purpose to the fullest.


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