Space Needle

2016-08-09 224705

2016-08-09 224851

Before came to Oklahoma, I  lived in Seattle for two years. Speaking of Seattle, you must heard of Space Needle, one of the signature building in there.  Here’s  a little introduction, Space Needle was the tallest building of Seattle and Washington state from  1962 to 1969. It was build for 1962 world’s fair. One interesting fact is that it took me at least six month to actually visit the Space Needle. My opinion on that is Space Needle will always be there, no matter when I go. There’s a monorail carry people from downtown to Space Needle, it is transporting in the outside of the building. That is also a very awesome experience. An unforgettable memory of mine is when NFL game started, there’s a flag of “12” hanging on the top Space Needle. There’s only 11 people playing the game, the 12 is us. I was so impressed of the power that a city can spread. It is a symbol of Seattle, so definitely go check it out if you have a chance!

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