Childhood Home

I would be remiss if I posted about buildings that meant a lot to me and did not mention my childhood home. Never once in my life have I moved houses. The home that I was brought home to after the hospital is the same home I go home to now a days.  My house in Kansas City means the world to me. The amount of memories that have been made there are incredible and the thoughts of going home during holiday breaks make me so happy because I know that I will be surrounded by love of family and comfort of my home.  Each time I pull into the driveway of my house after being away, I feel such relief because I know that I am home.  This house is literally the house that built me.  I never cared that I didn’t live in a mansion or in a neighborhood that was filled with my closest friends.  My home was filled with genuine love from my family. It doesn’t ever strike me as an incredible structure, but it definitely reminds me of how a building can mean so much to someone. The meaning behind my home is what makes it so important and special.


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