
One of the most unique with the most detail structure I attended while in Rome was the Pantheon. Being built almost 1900 years ago, it is the largest free standing dome in the world. By free standing, there is a large circular hole through the top of the dome which causes the rest of the dome to just rest against itself. The thought that it took to create a sun dial in the floor that tells the time by using the rays that shine through the top of the dome back that long ago is something that I think somebody couldn’t do today. When I walked through the doors that alone are 35 feet tall all I could is stare up and look at how the dome just softly sits there along with all the gold leaf reflecting off the walls and off the murals hanging halfway up. You may think well what happens when it rains and there is a hole on the roof? All the rain water that falls goes into tiny holes in the floor that run into Rome’s drainage ditches and the rest just dries. The Pantheon is one of the most populated tourist destinations in the world as well as in Rome. Along the walls are separate cavities that house smaller sculptures that could be lit up from the suns rays but the other side will be in shadows. All of the floor consisted of marble slabs along with the walls and pillars.



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