Kylemore Abbey

For my final building blog, I chose Kylemore Abbey in Ireland. The Abbey  is tucked back, away from the road leading to its grounds. You have to circumvent a very large pond so you initially see the Abbey and the chapel from a distance. This helps make the initial encounter more significant because it makes the Abbey’s size more impressive. The history of the Abbey is unique and has a touching past. The personal history of the Abbey makes it more personable and warming. It is an austere exterior, but the interior is lavish and inviting. It made me want to stay and explore the house because it made visitors feel so welcome. The chapel was built by a Lord who once lived in the Abbey for his late wife. To get to the chapel, you have to pass by the immediate front of the Abbey and walk further back onto the grounds. This helped make the chapel seem more meaningful because it was so secluded from initial view.



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