The Temple of Secrets

Fed 3 Fed 2 Fed 1


The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building is the headquarters of the Federal Reserve, that secretive agent of the federal government tasked with maintaining the value of the US Dollar while striving at the same time to maintain full employment. The Fed has been called a temple by William Grieder in his book “Secrets of the Temple” where he describes a pagan religion consisting of priests in the form of the Federal Reserve Board members who lead the nation in its endless worship of money.

I like this building because from the outside it looks perfectly normal and extraordinary; yet within this building there lies more power over the nation than anywhere else in the nation.  I added this building to my six inspiring buildings because I feel that most people in this nation don’t comprehend the complexity of the federal reserve and they would benefit from a reason to do more research on the Fed, and the reasons that it operates as it does.

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