I.M. Pei’s Bank of China Tower

The Bank of China Tower has some similarities to the Louvre Pyramid that Pei also designed. Clearly it is not a pyramid, but the similarities are shown in the triangular steel structure on the exterior. He was asked to design a building that was particularly tall in a region prone to typhoons. At the time that it was built in 1990, it was the tallest building in Asia and remains as one of the tallest buildings in Hong Kong.  Bank of China 2

It is made up up four vertical shafts designed to withstand high winds. The reflective glass is meant to imitate the skyline and stand out from the rest of the surrounding buildings. The design of the four shafts also calls for less interior support shafts. It is representative of bamboo shafts, a symbol of hope and revitalization for the Chinese people. Bank of China1

“AD Classics: Bank of China Tower / I.M. Pei.” ArchDaily. N.p., 22 Aug. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. <http://www.archdaily.com/153297/ad-classics-bank-of-china-tower-i-m-pei>.


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