Stockholm Public Library

StockLib StockLib3

Stockholms stadsbibliotek, otherwise known as Stockholm’s Public Library, was designed by the Swedish architect Gunnar Asplund in the 20’s. In the early 1900’s, Stockholm was looking to build a public library for its city and its citizens so they decided to form a committee hired around Gunnar Asplund to research the best possible design.

Asplund took time and researched countless other libraries, going to witness them first-hand he would journey out to take the time and effort to understand what would make a good library. Being a public building that houses a wide variety of knowledge, Asplund was determined to get the design right.

The building site was planned out so that the library was to be next to a steep hill which was directly factored into Asplund’s design. He knew that the building he wanted to build would not be overpowered by the surrounding environment thus the view of the building was not diluted by being completely surrounded other buildings. Around its perimeter, there are trees and sidewalks that allow for the building to stand as a lone figure in the city of Stockholm


In the center of the building is a giant rotunda, though originally planned to be a dome, houses a large portion of the library as is the tallest portion where natural light is incorporated to shine down on those who visit. Rows upon rows of books are placed around the entire circle as to surround any visitor with countless tomes of knowledge which Asplund thought to be the most fitting for such an establishment.

Despite it being built over a century ago, the architecture of this establishment is still relevant and the building itself is still being used until this day.  Its simplicity and bold color scheme was a statement made by Asplund and though he isn’t alive today to tell it himself, the design of this building can tell it for him.



One thought on “Stockholm Public Library”

  1. Although I am not the biggest library fan, I really like the look of this one and I would definitely consider visiting this one someday. The roof and the cylinder looking part is really cool looking. I bet it has some great views up there during the day.

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