The Alexander – Indianapolis, Indiana

outdoor-view-of-the-alexander_ubI find this hotel quite beautiful. The exterior is made up of white and brown walls, with portions of those walls being comprised of tall and wide panes of glass. I can’t help but dwell on how aesthetically pleasing to the eye it is. Moving to the inside, the natural color tones are continued and the use of brick, stone, and wood all compliment one another. It feels very homey and welcoming, which is ideal for a hotel. lobby-daytime-with-globe-lightsThroughout the hotel are various pieces of artwork, which also have a natural aesthetic appeal. There are quite a few art pieces throughout, but the space is so wide open, they fit in and blend together effortlessly. The space also utilizes several areas with chairs and couches facing each other to promote a sense of community. plat-99-patio-night-with-peopleOutside of the physical structure itself, I have learned that community and acceptance is absolutely a part of The Alexander’s ideology, and this can be seen in the other social events it takes part in or hosts. From weddings, to concerts, to marathons, and art shows, The Alexander is seeking to make an impact on the surrounding area.


Jonathan Ruiz

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