The Amangiri Resort & Spa

amangiri-1Inspired by Octavio Paz’s poem, “Wind and Water and Stone,” The Amangiri, built in Canyon Point, Utah was “a dream job” for Wendell Burnette of Wendell Burnette Architects. This building continues Wendell Burnette Architects’ theme of maximizing design while minimizing its impact of the landscape. The firm had the opportunity to flex its expertise in a new, less arid desert environment in Utah. Web_Amangiri_11Built around a natural mineral spring the resort and spa makes sure to give as much back from the environment as it takes. Locally sourced concretes and other building materials were used in the development of this structure in an effort to make this cluster of buildings blend into the beautiful expanse of southern Utah. 1-62According the Wendell Burnette Architects, they “captured the desert landscape, with strong simple geometries to backdrop the rough textured rock at times taking on the role of spectator while at others integrating seamlessly into it, allowing the natural contours to inform the nature of the man-made construct.” At night the use of unnatural light becomes limited as to keep from polluting the environment with anything unnecessary.

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