David Mason – MAD Studios 5 – Ordos Art & City Museum

Located inĀ Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China the art and city museum is a one of a kind structure that resembles an extraterrestrial being’s ship that has landed on Earth. The building also mimics the dunes that it was built on top of.


Inside, the museum is filled with wide open rooms and tall ceilings. It feels as if you ware still outside when in this massive structure. The design of the interior has very open and flowing circles but also sharp corners and angles. It adds even more character to a building that is bursting at the seams with it.


The wooden nature of the interior and the wide open spaces allow the building to breathe naturally. The energy that would flow through this building as you walk around and would make you feel at ease. It is something truly special, when the building itself rivals the art that it is holding inside.


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