Cain’s Ballroom

Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa is one of my favorite places in my home town. It was built in 1924 and its history is incredible. It has played host for performers such as Bob Wills and Hank Williams. I saw my first concert here and have seen over ten concerts here since then. While it isn’t large, the atmosphere that the small venue creates makes for a great time. Sometimes all you need is an old wooden dance floor and to be shoulder-to-shoulder with a lot of people to enjoy a show.

I’ve honestly only seen the building from the street where you enter. It is part of a strip of buildings that all seem run down. The stone is painted white and is extremely weathered after all the years. The roof is slanted upwards toward the center and has black trim. The best part of the entire establishment (on the outside at least) is the two neon signs that sit atop the roof and jut out from the side where you enter.


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