Campstreet NR.101 — Selser – Schaefer Architects

This historic icon was originally a 1926 Duerler Candy Factory in the downtown of San Antonio.  The candy factory has been re-purposed for residential use and it also has a art gallery of the Linda Pace Foundation. Selser – Schaefer Architects worked on keeping the nature of the building intact while incorporating new elements and technologies. There is exposed concrete with industrial steel, glass, tile and wood accents.

CAMPStreet 5

The floor plan is nice and luxurious not to mention spacious. There is wood that flows seemlessly into steel that also flow down into the tiles. The entire nature of the living space is rich, comforting and very modern!


  • Honor Award for Design Excellence, AIA Eastern Oklahoma, 2014
  • Honor Award for Design Excellence, AIA Oklahoma, 2013

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