Erich Mendelsohn- Mossehaus

250px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-00182,_Berlin,_Zeitungshaus_Mosse 250px-Mosseverlagshausberlin         An office building in Berlin that was home to multiple liberal newspaper publishers, it became badly damaged in 1919 when a Spartacist uprising occurred and was held under governmental troops.  In 1921, on the strength of his Einstein Tower, Mendelsohn was hired to add extra storeys and a new entrance to the building. The new frontage made prominent use of aluminum and modern typography, and the new upper floors were made from ferro-concrete. The experimental nature of the structure led to a disaster during construction in 1923, when one of the slabs of the new extension fell into the newspaper offices which were still in use, killing 14 people. The use of strips and sculpted elements in the fenestration gave it a dynamic, futuristic form, emphasised by the contrast with the Wilhelmine style below. It was perhaps the first example of a streamlined building, and hence a great influence on Streamline Moderne. The effect on American architecture is perhaps unsurprising, as Mendelsohn’s partner on the Mossehaus and the designer of the interiors was Richard Neutra.

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