Frank Gehry- Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is located in Basque Country, Spain. The building was inaugurated in October 1997. What makes this building so special is the fact that it was a signal moment in the architectural culture because it represents a rare moment where critics, academics, and the general public were all completely united about something. It even so happens that the building was finished on time and on budget.  When Gehry was asked how he managed that he said he focused on preventing business and political interests from interfering, made sure he had a realistic cost estimate, and used computer visualizations from his own software.


The Guggenheim Foundation selected Gehry and encouraged him to build something “daring and innovative.” The exterior was to have random curves to catch the eye and light. The interior of the building is a large light-filled atrium with views of the surrounding Basque Country. Gehry received many awards and recognitions from the Guggenheim Museum. Many said it was the greatest building of our time and “a fantastic dream ship of undulating form in a cloak of titanium.” The dreamy part can be reveled from the fish scale looking exterior.


The museum not only did wonders for Frank Gehry’s name, but also for the city  of Bilbao. Construction of the museum was due to high hopes of revitalization. After completion, Bilbao became a popular tourist attraction thanks to Gehry’s incredible design in architecture.

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