British Council

Charles Correa designed numerous buildings pertaining to governmental use in India. He designed the British Council located in Dehli. The building served as the Headquarters for the British Council while in India. Included in the design is a library, an auditorium, as well as the offices used by the Council for their work. Correa used this building’s design to tell a story of Britain and India’s relationship throughout history. Correa placed several Hindu images in the building as well. For example, he placed Bindu—who symbolizes the energy of the Cosmos—in a spiral at the far end of the building. At its center, in the courtyard, is the Islamic Char Bagh, a Garden of Paradise. Lastly, moving along the same axis as the spiral and the Garden is the final symbol Correa put into the building. He placed a European icon to represent the Age of Reason by the icon being made of marble and granite. The British Council is yet another example of Correa transcending the boundaries between reality and philosophy and history, turning this boundary into a physical space.

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