Aldo Rossi- San Cataldo Cemetery


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This project was started in 1971 in the Province of Modena, Italy by architect Aldo Rossi. Being one of his most famous buildings, it is still highly regarded  by architects today. He was known for taking into account the surroundings and mood of each place he designed buildings. As you can see from this piece, it is simple yet powerful. It gets its simplicity from the surrounding area however Rossi still manages to make it a powerful building by adding sharp corners and defined lines. It’s symmetry is also a huge reason this building catches your eye.

The grounds on which Rossi’s cemetery was built was originally home to an ancient cemetery built by Cesare Costa built in 1876. Rossi kept the hand carved tombstones built by Costa on the inside of his building and considered it  a pathway through the “house of the dead”. He fused ideas from the Costa and Jewish cemeteries of the 19th century to design his cemetery originally for a competition that he won in 1972.

Image result for san cataldo cemetery



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