Old Main

old main

The Old Main


My freshman year of college I attended the University of Arkansas. A huge reason why I decided to attend the U of A is because of Old Main. This was the original building where the University of Arkansas was when it opened in the 1880s. This building gives me such an overwhelming feeling of being a part of history. The names of all the graduates starting in the 1800s are carved into the sidewalk outside of old main. It’s amazing to see those names and know that they walked the halls of the school.

One of my favorite aspects of Old Main is the black parts of the top of the building. To me, it seems very unexpected and it contrasts well with the rest of the building. It seems very academic and makes me understand the importance of my college experience. For example in the early 1900s, theres very few names and very few of them are women. This emphasizes the building’s historical significance.

This building is very emotional for me because it says a lot about the history of education and how far people have come in the past 100 years.

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