Williams (Transco) Tower – Houston, Texas


A beautifully designed tower in Houston’s Uptown District, the Transco Tower feels as warm to me as the home I grew up in. Physically, the reflective panels that make up the exterior can sometimes give the tower a translucent effect that is only broken up by the intricacies of its long, vertical, inward projections. On stormy days, the clouds above elegantly crown the top of this building, giving it a sense of magnificence. Additionally, this building is attached to The Galleria, one of the largest malls in the United States. Due to the nature of its location and purpose, it is of huge cultural significance, and is often one of the first places foreign tourists will go to see.



Personally, I grew up seeing and interacting with this tower. From enjoying its courtyard, to ice skating in The Galleria, to passing it every day on my commute to work, this building encompasses all the memories and experiences I have of growing up; from childhood into adulthood.


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